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Katie Von Bargen

Project: The Presence of Linguistic Variables in Texts of Cherokee Origin and their Effect on Linguistic and Cultural Acquisition in Cherokee Students Mentor: Margaret Bender, Anthropology

Christina McGee

Project: The Impact of Improvisational Movement for Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment Mentors: Christina Soriano, Associate Provost of the Arts and Interdisciplinary Programs, and Christina Hugenschmidt, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine

Akaya Lewis

Project: A Scoping Review: Identify the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with genetic testing for mental health disorders in Bioethical and Medical Literature. Mentor: Ana Iltis, Philosophy

Yiting Chai

Project:  Exploring an Objective Morality: What Does It Mean for Tolerance in a Diverse World? Mentor: Christian Miller, Philosophy

Emily Wilmink

Project: We the People’: Anti-War Protests and the Crisis of American Identity Under the Shadows of Vietnam Mentor: Benjamin Coates, History
