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The URECA Center and the Robert B. Outland, Sr. Family Fund for Academic Excellence are pleased to announce the URECA-X initiative. URECA-X provides students the opportunity to partner with faculty on research and creative projects, enabling them to gain applied experience in the faculty mentor’s field of study.  Awards are intended to support long or short-term projects throughout the academic year, and they are intended to be flexible. URECA is eager to encourage all kinds of activities that engage students in creative inquiry and allow students to see what it is like to work in a given field.

Projects must mutually engage students and faculty in partnerships centered on research and creative activities, with a clear and defined learning outcome for the student at the conclusion of the project.  Students are awarded up to $500 to preserve their time for the scholarly project.  Expectations are that most projects will be developed and conducted across a semester, and that faculty members applying for the URECA-X fund will identify and recruit appropriate students for the proposed partnerships.

Ready to Apply?

Deadline: Rolling

When: Academic Year and Summer Sessions

Who: Faculty Apply

Funding: Up to $500

Contact: Emily Austin,, and Jake Ruddiman,

Important Details to Consider

In the application, faculty should

  • Provide a brief overview of the project, including learning outcomes, that will engage the URECA-X student in mentored scholarship appropriate for your discipline.
  • Describe how receiving the URECA-X award will benefit your student partner (e.g., what will be the learning outcome of the experience, and what will the student have completed by the close of the partnership?).
  • Provide an estimated timeline for the project’s completion.
  • Briefly describe how having a student partner will facilitate your own scholarship.
  • Include the student’s name, email, and ID number (if already identified).

Applications for the URECA-X award will be considered on a rolling basis.  Student researchers can flexibly extend their time across semesters or summer sessions.  Students who receive a URECA-X award may not receive course credit for the same project. Faculty members who have not benefited from other URECA initiatives are particularly encouraged to apply.

The URECA-X initiative can currently support one student per faculty member in a particular semester or summer session.