Tips on Preparing and Presenting a Poster

Quick Tips
- Pictures are better than text. The poster is meant to be a visual aid to guide your presentation.
- If you have a lot to say, use bullets and schematics instead of full sentences.
- Keep font size big and font simple.
- Don’t try to be too cute. This is a professional presentation of your research. Make everything as clear as possible.
Poster Templates
Poster template: 36X36_template
Chemistry Poster Example
Note that a poster larger than 36 X 36 must be oriented vertically for Research Day!
For more tips visit Designing Conference Posters by Colin Purrington
When you are ready to print
To have URECA pay for your poster printing, send a 36 X 36 poster in pdf format (print to pdf from PowerPoint) to with the subject line “Poster to print for Fall 2024 URECA Day“. Don’t wait until the last minute to print your poster; you should plan to have it printed early in the week.
Deadline for submitting your poster for printing is Friday, September 20th. Posters must be picked up from the Copy Center by 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 26th.