Du (Dan) Gu
Project: Behavioral Responses of Wolf Spiders to TRP-Related Chemical Reagents Mentors: Glen Marrs, Biology and Erik Johnson, Biology
Project: Behavioral Responses of Wolf Spiders to TRP-Related Chemical Reagents Mentors: Glen Marrs, Biology and Erik Johnson, Biology
Project: Studying Corpus Cardiacum and AKH release in Drosophila Melanogaster Mentor: Erik Johnson, Biology
Project: Characterizing Melanin-Based Nanomaterial Thin Films Mentor: Elham Ghadiri, Chemistry
Project: Automatic Distribution of Heterogeneous Sensors [or Capabilities] in WSNs Mentor: Kyle Luthy, Engineering
Project: Computational Incorporation and Analysis of Time Series and Informative Priors into Hierarchical Bayesian Network Formulations Mentors: David John, Computer Science and Jim Norris, Mathematics and Statistics
Project: Crucial Vertebrate Muscle Gene Absent In Avian Genome Mentor: James Pease, Biology
Project: Mathematical Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics Mentor: John Gemmer, Mathematics
Project: Metabolic Inflexibility in Elderly Adults Mentor: Gary Miller, Health and Exercise Science
Project: NC Education and the Law: The Undocumented Foundation Mentor: Michael Pisapia, Politics
Project: Coordinating atmospheric measurements with unmanned quadcopters Mentor: Kyle Luthy, Engineering
Project: Regulation of Guanosine Monophosphate Reductase via Phosphorylation in Melanoma Mentor: Mikhail A. Nikiforov, Cancer Biology, WFU School of Medicine
Project: Ice Age Technology and Adaptation: Analysis of the Magdalenian Stone Tool Assemblage from the Site of Espadanal, Portugal Mentor: Paul Thacker, Anthropology
Project: Spanish Dichotomies: Reevaluating the Teaching of Ser/Estar and Preterite/Imperfect in Beginner-Intermediate Textbooks Mentor: Luis Gonzalez, Spanish
Project: Jackson Pollock and the American Midcentury Mentor: David Lubin, Art History
Project: Homelessness: Winston-Salem Experience Mentors: Sherri Lawson Clark, Anthropology and Steve Folmar, Anthropology
Project: We the People’: Anti-War Protests and the Crisis of American Identity Under the Shadows of Vietnam Mentor: Benjamin Coates, History
Project: Writing Moves: An Online Journal of Student Writing Mentors: Elisabeth Whitehead, English and Anne Boyle, English
Project: Understanding Wake Forest Undergraduate Coursework Writing Across the Curriculum Mentor: Zak Lancaster, English
Project: Propaganda and the Press on the Occupation of Charleston, SC Mentor: Jake Ruddiman, History
Project: Maria Edgeworth and Nineteenth-Century Letter Writing Mentor: Jessica Richard, English