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Seth Jones

Project:  An Interdisciplinary Study of Mercury Contamination in the Peruvian Amazon from Artisanal Gold Mining (Puerto Maldonado, Peru) Mentor: S. Bruce King, Chemistry

2013 ACC-IAC Scholars

Timothy Lee, a first-year student, received an ACC-IAC award to build a robotic arm, capable of painting with a paintbrush. He will first study the human hand’s movement as it paints and also observe the DaVinci robot’s hands as it performs medical surgery. After these […]

2012 Awarded Grants

Gerson Lanza, class of 2013, a double major in History and Spanish, was awarded funding for a comparative research project on the American roots of Brazilian tap dance. The award enabled Gerson to journey to Sᾶo Paolo and other regions in Brazil to examine the […]

2011 Awarded Grants

Amanda Cain, class of 2013, majors in Health and Exercise Science. Her project, Dynamics of Change: The Implications of Treatment-Seeking Behavior in the Deep-Rural of South Africa, involved surveying a rural community in the Limpopo province of South Africa regarding treatment seeking behavior, specifically whether […]

2010 Awarded Grants

Atlantic Coast Conference Inter-institutional Academic Collaborative Fellows in Creativity and Innovation | Summer of 2010 Hannah Gaddis – “Transliterating Slavic Languages” Mentor: Dr. William S. Hamilton (German and Russian) Presentation Video | Final Report Catherine Berenato and Caitlin Crawford – “Tracking the […]
