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Sixth Annual Undergraduate Research Day

28 September 2012, Benson University Center

Student Research Poster Presentations

Post Arab Spring: The Fate of Egyptian Tourism, Akina Anand, Department of Economics

Transforming Gandharba Identity, Dain Finke, Department of Anthropology

Dalit Caste Identity Transformation in Nepal, Dain Finke, Department of Anthropology

Brazilian Rhythms Influence on Tap Dance, Gerson Lanza

Brazil’s Rhythms Influence on Tap Dancing, Gerson Lanza, Department of Dance

Typographical Studies Demonstrating Text as Image, Elizabeth McKnight Ropp, Department of Studio Art

Typographical Studies Demonstrating Text as Image, Elizabeth Ropp, Department of Studio Art

Stories from the Western Front, 1942-45, Kristen Binz

Stories from “The Big Red One,” Kristen Binz, Department of History

Of Mountains and Microtones: In Search of Tui St. George Tucker, Erica Fedor, Department of Music

Mountains and Microtones: In Search of Tui St. George Tucker, Erica Fedor, Department of Music

Can An Old Honey Bee Learn a New Trick? David Hale, Department of Biology

Can An Old Honey Bee Learn a New Trick? David Hale, Department of Biology

Seychelles: An Account of a Matriarchal Society, Department of Political Science

Seychelles: An Account of a Matriarchal Society, Alan Nieczyporuk, Department of Political Science

Tourism in Egypt, Department of Political Science

Post Arab Spring: The Fate of Egyptian Tourism, Akina Anand, Department of Economics

South Africa: A Comparative and Explorative Study

Regenerative Medicine in South Africa: A Comparative and Explorative Study, Jason Green, Department of Biology

Department of Music

“Who’s Your Neighbor?” Exploring the Concept of Neighbor in SoCalled’s Music, Frances Jackson, Department of English

A Combinatorial Investigation of the q, t-Kostka Polynomials, Kelly Kuykendall, Department of Mathematics

A Combinatorial Investigation of the q,t-Kostka Polynomials, Kelly Kuykendall, Department of Mathematics

Photochemical Synthesis of Caulerpin, Ernest Jenkins

Photosynthetic Formation of Anti-Aromatic Indole Compounds, Ernest Jenkins, Department of Chemistry

Surface Treatment and Vessel Function of Prehistoric Native American Pottery

Surface Treatment and Vessel Function of Prehistoric Native American Pottery at Donnaha, Molly Stroup, Department of Anthropology

Department of Music

“Who’s Your Neighbor?” Exploring the Concept of Neighbor in SoCalled’s Music, Frances Jackson, Department of English

Tracing the Evolution of Sikh Identity: The Effects of India's Political Transformation on the Sikh Community, Cana Noel, Department of History

Tracing the Evolution of Sikh Identity: The Effects of India’s Political Transformation on the Sikh Community, Cana Noel, Department of History

Mechanisms of Particle Transport, L.W. Lemley, R.V. Dimock, Department of Biology

Mechanisms of Particle Transport on the Mantle of the American Oyster, Laura Lemley, Department of Biology

Evaluating the Seguro Popular: Thoughts and Opinions on Mexico's Public Health Reform

Evaluating the Seguro Popular: Thoughts and Opinions on Mexico’s Public Health Reform, Matthew Sechler, Department of Biology

Genome of VSV using SHAPE

Investigating the Genome of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) using SHAPE, Mubhij Ahmad, Department of Chemistry

Dimensions of Rurality and Place in Enterprenuerial Creativity, Jonathan Williams

Dimensions of Rurality and Place in Enterprenuerial Creativity, Jonathan Williams, Department of Entrepreneurship

Surface Treatment and Vessel Function of Prehistoric Native American Pottery, Molly Stroup, Anthropology

Surface Treatment and Vessel Function of Prehistoric Native American Pottery at Donnaha, Molly Stroup, Department of Anthropology

Hyperspectral Imaging

Algorithms in Hyperspectral Imaging, Ryan Bottoms, Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science

Complex Influences in Nicaraguan Health Care, Amen Okundaye

Complex Influences in Nicaraguan Health Care, Amen Okundaye, Department of Health and Exercise Science

City of Lights, City of Mosaics

City of Lights, City of Mosaics: A Socio-Spatial Study of Paris’ Banlieues and Their Invisible Boundaries, Janak N. Padhiar, Department of Sociology

Production of Nitroxyl from Acyl Nitroso Compounds via Retro-Diels-Alder Reaction, Jasmine Fluker, Department of Chemistry

Production of Nitroxyl from Acyl Nitroso Compounds via Retro-Diels-Alder Reaction, Jasmine Fluker, Department of Chemistry (NC A&T State University)

Synthesis of Potential Anti-TB Drugs that Target Biosynthesis of TBSA in M, tb, Kate Culbreath, Department of Chemistry

Synthesis of Potential Anti-TB Drugs that Target Biosynthesis of TBSA in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Katherine Culbreath, Department of Chemistry

Mutational Analysis of Predicted Pathway Variants in an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase, Alissa Guarnaccia, Anuradha Patel, Rebecca Alexander, Departments of Chemistry and Biology

Mutational Analysis of Predicted Pathway Variants in an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase, Alissa Guarnaccia, Anuradha Patel, Departments of Chemistry and Biology

City of Lights, City of Mosaics, Janak Padhiar

City of Lights, City of Mosaics: A Socio-Spatial Study of Paris’ Banlieues and Their Invisible Boundaries, Janak N. Padhiar, Department of Sociology

Does Preoperative Assessment of Nutritional Status, Mobility, and Frailty Among Geriatric Patients Predict Early Postoperative Morbid Events? Lauren Rustowicz and Catherine Roach, Departments of Anesthesiology and Heath and Exercise Science

Does Preoperative Assessment of Nutritional Status, Mobility, and Frailty Among Geriatric Patients Predict Early Postoperative Morbid Events? Lauren Rustowicz and Catherine Roach, Departments of Anesthesiology and Heath and Exercise Science

Department of Heath and Exercise Science

Dietary and Exercise Preferences of Women Undergoing Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, Mary Scott Haynie, Department of Heath and Exercise Science

Between the Lines: Tattoos and the Chaouia of Algeria, Yasmin Bendaas, Department of Anthropology

Between the Lines: Facial Tattoos and the Chaouia of Algeria, Yasmin Bendaas, Department of Anthropology

II Teatro e Vita: Trends and Socio-Political Implications of Contemporary Italian Theatre, Danielle Thorsen, Departments of Italian and Theatre

II Teatro e Vita: Trends and Socio-Political Implications of Contemporary Italian Theatre, Danielle Thorsen, Departments of Italian and Theatre
