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Mariah Watkins

Mariah received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Education, Treasury, and State: County Government and Women in the Statewide Executive, 1910-2015. Mentor: Michael Pisapia, Politics and International Affairs    

Mariah Watkins

Mariah received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Education, Treasury, and State: County Government and Women in the Statewide Executive, 1910-2015. Mentor: Michael Pisapia, Politics and International Affairs    

Yian Wang

Yian received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Testing of Performance of a Solid Acid Catalyst for the Esterification of Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) in a Packed-bed Plug-flow Reactor. Mentors: Michael Gross & Marcus Wright, Chemistry    

Hanwen Wang

Hanwen received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Synthesis of a Novel Platinum-Acridine Based Anti-Cancer Drug Precursor and Drug Deliver Strategy. Mentor: Ulrich Bierbach, Chemistry

Claire Tuffey

Claire received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study The Cultural Politics of Libby Holman’s 1932 Indictment for Murder. Mentor: Michele Gillespie, History    

Thomas Stirrat

Thomas received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study the American approach to the Congo from 1885-1960. Mentor: Nathaniel Plageman, History      

Zekun (Bruce) Shen

Bruce received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Proximity Sensing, Wireless Communication, and Musical Sound Production to Stimulate Human Interaction. Mentor: Jennifer Burg, Computer Science    

Zekun (Bruce) Shen

Bruce received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Proximity Sensing, Wireless Communication, and Musical Sound Production to Stimulate Human Interaction. Mentor: Jennifer Burg, Computer Science    

Taylor Schronce

Taylor received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study the Organic Synthesis of Novel PI3k Inhibitors to Treat Prostate Cancer. Mentor: Mark Welker, Chemistry    

Megan Ray

Megan received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study oung Adults Born Prematurely with Very Low Birth Weight compared to Normal Birth Weight Peers Born at Term. Mentor: Patricia Nixon, Health and Exercise Science    

Ethan Perellis

Ethan received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Endophytes of Magnolia grandiflora leaves around the Wake Forest campus. Mentor: Brian Tague, Biology    

Shucheng Liu

Shucheng received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Theranostic Analysis of EGFR Tyrosine Kinase by linking Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor to DOTA. Mentor: Ulrich Bierbach, Chemistry    

Ruidan Li

Ruidan received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Using Genetic Algorithms to Determine the Optimal Camera Coverage. Mentors: Errin Fulp, Computer Science & Hugh Howards, Mathematics  

Manuel Gomez

Manuel received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Migration Patterns of MDA-MB-231 in Collagen GMA Gels of Various Ligand Densities. Mentors:  Jed Macosko & George Holzwart, Physics    

Katrina Barth

Katrina received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study vibration assisted deposition of molecular diodes. Mentor: Oana Jurchescu, Physics      

Manal Ahmidouch

Manal received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study MD Simulations and CD Spectroscopies of (Benz)acridine: rDNA G-Quadruplex Complexes. Mentor: Samuel S. Cho, Physics  
