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Arnav Bhandari

Arnav received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study the optimization and recovery of point source on an image taken by a specialized lens. Mentor: Victor Paul Pauca, Computer Science

Claire Bethel

Claire received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study The Battle against Osteoarthritis – The Relationships between Strength and Thigh Composition, and Knee Pain in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis. Mentor: Stephen Messier, Health & Exercise Science

Zachary Mack

Zachary received a Wake Forest Research Grant to study The Activity of the Novel Phospholipid Gemcitabine Conjugate KPC34 in Models of Acute Leukemia . Mentor: Timothy Pardee, Hematology & Oncology, WFU Medical School

Cenji Yu

Cenji received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Effects of Sequence Variations of a G-quadruplex Structure. Mentor: Fred Salsbury, Physics

Ziqi Tang

Ziqi received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study the Comparison of Traditional Techniques and Machine Learning Methods for Prediction of Success after Bariatric Surgery. Mentor: Victor Paul Pauca

Jessica Jordan

Jessica received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to investigate the neural systems that support the beneficial effects of positive emotion on stress regulation. Mentors: Christian Waugh, Psychology & Xi Yang

Jordan Holmes

Jordan received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study How Smell Influences Food Choice. Mentor: Joost Maier, Neurobiology & Anatomy, WFU Medical School    

Julia Freitas

Julia received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Characterisation of tRNA hypermodifications in Bacillus subtilis. Mentor: Patricia Dos Santos, Chemistry

Jorge Dabdoub

Jorge received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Evolved variants of Burkholderia cenocepacia TilS. Mentor: Rebecca Alexander, Chemistry      

Madeline Coffey

Madeline received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Civil War Soldiers: Cross-Dressing in the Context of Queer History. Mentor: Simone Caron, History

Madeline Coffey

Madeline received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Civil War Soldiers: Cross-Dressing in the Context of Queer History. Mentor: Simone Caron, History    

Matthew Yeager

Matthew received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study chronic ethanol treatment and lipid raft depletion. Mentor: Rong Chen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFUBMC

Matthew Yeager

Matthew received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study chronic ethanol treatment and lipid raft depletion. Mentor: Rong Chen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFUBMC      

Wenbo Sun

Wenbo received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study the Topology of Directed Graphs. Mentor: Hugh Howards, Mathematics      

Tong Luo

Tong received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Traffic Modeling. Mentor: Sarah Raynor, Mathematics      

Tong Luo

Tong received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Traffic Modeling. Mentor: Sarah Raynor, Mathematics      

Jiajie Zheng

Jiajie received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Multiplication on Quasisymmetric Schur Functions. Mentor: Sarah K. Mason, Mathematics      

Jiajie Zheng

Jiajie received a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to study Multiplication on Quasisymmetric Schur Functions. Mentor: Sarah K. Mason, Mathematics      
