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Chuanyang (Charlie) Yu

Project: Research and Application of Finite Time Blow-up Conditions in the Non-Linear Schrodinger Equation Mentor: John Holmes, Mathematics and Statistics

Kebin Yan

Project: Activity Recognition from Smartphone Data Mentor: Emily Huang, Mathematics and Statistics

Indy Cousin

Project: The Effect of Sports Elite’s Rhetoric on Individuals’ Racial Attitudes Mentor: Betina Wilkinson, Politics and International Affairs

Hongyi Xu

Project: Circulating B Lymphocytes Potentially Produces Antibodies Targeting Cancer Antigens Mentor: Karen Haas, Microbiology and Immunology, WFU School of Medicine

Xiaotong (Eva) Wu

Project: The effects of different genres of background music on emerging adults’ task performance Mentor: Lisa Kiang, Psychology

Addison Collins

Project: The Effect of Racial Identity on Individual Attitudes Toward and Tolerance for Corruption Mentor: Justin Esarey, Politics and International Affairs

Jialin Chen

Project: Identification and Characterization of Kinases in the Phosphorylation Pathway of Guanosine Monophosphate Reductase Mentor: Mikhail A. Nikiforov, Cancer Biology, WFU School of Medicine

Catherine (Cat) Walwer

Project: A comparative analysis of high precipitation events and nutrient management in North Carolina agriculture Mentor: Chris Zarzar, Environmental Program

Emmaline Trentham

Project: The formulation of a modern, comprehensive local spider field guide, with a focus on the family Lycosidae Mentor: Glen Mars, Biology

Kelvin Tran

Project: Association between White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations and Tick-Borne Diseases in the North Carolina Piedmont Mentor: Miles Silman, Biology
