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Zoe Stuckey

Project: How Judgments of Transgressions are Affected by the Perceived Moral Character of Victims Mentor: E.J. Masicampo, Psychology

Tanner Stewart

Project: The Effects of Gaming Intervention on Physical and Cognitive Function in Older Adults Mentor: Erin Henslee, Engineering

Haley Schulberg

Project: State Push-Back Against Federal Directives in the 21st Century Mentor: John Dinan, Politics and International Affairs

Lauren Neal

Project: Potential Correlations Between Neurocognitive Manifestations of Tuberous Sclerosis and Tumors of Tuberous Sclerosis Mentor: Roy Strowd, Neurology, WFU School of Medicine

Amanda Mosher

Project: Relationships Between Fatigue and Stress in College Adults; in Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Mentor: Jason Fanning, Health and Exercise Science

Jessica Moser

Project: Mechanistic Action of Ceramide on Dopamine Signaling through Dopamine Transporters Mentor: Rong Chen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine

Margaret C. Moran

Projects: The Effects of Flexibility Training and Joint Pain on Range of Motion in Women with Breast Cancer Mentor: Shannon Mihalko, Health and Exercise Science

Caitlyn Marsac

Project: Using Natural Language Processing to Identify New Biomarkers of Anti-Tumor Responses Mentors: Jason Grayson, Microbiology and Immunology, WFU School of Medicine and Natalia Khuri, Computer Science

Zachary Mandel

Project: Probing Light Hydrocarbon Adsorption Behavior in Gate-Opening Metal-Organic Frameworks Mentor: Michael Gross, Engineering

Robert Langfeld

Project: Parallel GPU-Optimized Verlet Neighbor List Algorithm for MD Simulations Mentor: Samuel Cho, Computer Science and Physics

Micayla Jordan

Project: Creating the New Silicon: A Study into the Benefits of Human Capital Investments and the Recruitment and Retainment of Big Tech Companies in the South Mentor: Todd McFall, Economics
