Garrett (Will) Teuscher
Project: Synthesis of a Linker-Modified Platinum-Acridine Anti-Cancer Compound Mentor: Ulrich Bierbach, Chemistry
Project: Synthesis of a Linker-Modified Platinum-Acridine Anti-Cancer Compound Mentor: Ulrich Bierbach, Chemistry
Project: Collectivism and predictors of suicide among Asian American college students Mentor: E.J. Masicampo, Psychology
Project: Transmission tree and spread of disease Mentor: Ed Allen, Mathematics & Statistics
Project: An investigation of chemesthesis in the earthworm Eisenia hortensis through specific analysis of Transient Receptor Potential channels TRPV1, TRPA1, and TRPM8 Mentors: Wayne Silver, Biology / Neuroscience & Erik Johnson, Biology
Project: Spatio-temporal Modeling of Animal Distributions in Serengeti National Park Mentor: Staci Hepler, Mathematics
Project: Electrospinning Mentor: Martin Guthold, Physics
Project: Organic Electronics: Self-assembled monolayers Mentor: Oana Jurchescu, Physics
Project: Improvisational Dance as a Method to Improve Quality of Life in Adults With Dementia Mentors: Christina Soriano, Dance and Christina Hugenschmidt, WFU School of Medicine – Sticht Center on Aging
Project: Counting forests with certain patterns and their relationship to coloring Mentors: Joshua Hallam, Mathematics & Statistics and Jason Parsley, Mathematics & Statistics
Project: Should I Attack: Predatory Discrimination in Tigrosa georgicola Mentors: Glen Marrs, Biology and Erik Johnson, Biology
Project: Structural and Functional analysis of Cysteine Desulfurase in YrvO Mentor: Patricia Dos Santos, Chemistry
Project: Voluntary Cognitive Task Switching in Concussion Patients Mentor: Janine Jennings, Psychology
Project: Translating and Visualizing Ibn Jubayr: A Journey through the Medieval Middle East Mentor: Darlene May, Middle East and South Asia Studies
Project: The impact of thought content on attention deficits due to mind-wandering Mentor: E.J. Masicampo, Psychology
Project: The Effects of Physical Fitness on Baroreceptor Reactivity to Physical and Mental Stressors Mentor: Patricia Nixon, Health & Exercise Science
Project: The influence of calorie tapering on resting metabolic weight in overweight adults Mentor: Gary Miller, Health & Exercise Science
Project: Perfect Elimination Order of Simplicial Complexes Mentors: Joshua Hallam, Mathematics & Statistics and Jason Parsley, Mathematics & Statistics
Project: Fractal Geometry of City Boundaries Mentor: Sarah Raynor, Mathematics & Statistics
Project: Optical Methods for Improved Space Situational Awareness Mentor: Todd Torgensen, Computer Science
Project: A Novel Approach for Multi-modal 360 Degree Video Mentor: V. Paul Pauca, Computer Science