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Ziyun Song

Project:  Transmission tree and spread of disease Mentor: Ed Allen, Mathematics & Statistics

Karleigh Smith

Project:  An investigation of chemesthesis in the earthworm Eisenia hortensis through specific analysis of Transient Receptor Potential channels TRPV1, TRPA1, and TRPM8 Mentors: Wayne Silver, Biology / Neuroscience & Erik Johnson, Biology

David Mulder

Project:  Translating and Visualizing Ibn Jubayr: A Journey through the Medieval Middle East Mentor: Darlene May, Middle East and South Asia Studies

Eleanor McDonald

Project:  The Effects of Physical Fitness on Baroreceptor Reactivity to Physical and Mental Stressors Mentor: Patricia Nixon, Health & Exercise Science

Alexis Mast

Project:  The influence of calorie tapering on resting metabolic weight in overweight adults Mentor: Gary Miller, Health & Exercise Science
