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James Miller

Project:  The Effect of Alcohol on Neuronal Signal Protein Translocation Mentors:  Rong Chen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine and Deborah Luessen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine

Nicholas Mallett

Project:  Preparation, Characterization, and Photochemistry of Water-Soluble Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot-Ester Conjugates Mentor:  Paul Jones, Chemistry

Robert Link

Project:  The Semiclassical Approximation for Particle Production Due to Strong Electric Fields Mentor:  Paul Anderson, Physics

Reid Huckabee

Project:  Functional Assessment of Lsd1 and Lsd2 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mentor:  Ke Zhang, Biology

Rob Garrett

Project:  Improving Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance with Mixed-Metal Oxide Ceramic Nanoparticles Mentor:  Michael Gross, Engineering

Amanda Davis

Project:  Not Just Child’s Play: An Analysis of Parent-Child Interactions on Playgrounds Mentor:  Deborah Best, Psychology

Raymond Clark

Project:  Black Hole Evaporation in (3+1)D: Numerical computation of the Bogolubov coefficients for a scalar field Mentor:  Paul Anderson, Physics
