James Miller
Project: The Effect of Alcohol on Neuronal Signal Protein Translocation Mentors: Rong Chen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine and Deborah Luessen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine
Project: The Effect of Alcohol on Neuronal Signal Protein Translocation Mentors: Rong Chen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine and Deborah Luessen, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine
Project: Computational Analysis of Molecular Rectifiers Mentor: Timo Thonhauser, Physics
Project: Preparation, Characterization, and Photochemistry of Water-Soluble Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot-Ester Conjugates Mentor: Paul Jones, Chemistry
Project: The Semiclassical Approximation for Particle Production Due to Strong Electric Fields Mentor: Paul Anderson, Physics
Project: Writing Moves Mentor: Anne Boyle, English
Project: Binding interactions between eukaryotic DNA methyltransferases and substituted analogs of S-adenosyl-L-methionine Mentor: Lindsay Comstock-Ferguson, Chemistry
Project: Functional Assessment of Lsd1 and Lsd2 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mentor: Ke Zhang, Biology
Project: Sidon sets and 2-caps in _3^ Mentors: Robert Won, Mathematics and Statistics and Frank Moore, Mathematics and Statistics
Project: Contemporary National Narratives and Their Impact on Foreign Policy Mentor: Will Walldorf, Politics and International Affairs
Project: A Durus Circulus: Farmer, Nature, and Violence in Vergil’s Georgics Mentor: T.H.M. Gellar-Goad, Classical Languages
Project: Improving dietary nitrate therapeutics with an oral probiotic Mentor: Daniel Kim Shapiro, Physics
Project: Human Visual Tracking and Image Formation Mentor: John Gemmer, Mathematics and Statistics
Project: What is Compassion? Its Philosophy, Psychology, and Application Mentor: Christian Miller, Philosophy
Project: Mechanisms of Aggression in Tigrosa georgicola Wolf Spiders Mentor: Erik Johnson, Biology and Glen Marrs, Biology
Project: Improving Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance with Mixed-Metal Oxide Ceramic Nanoparticles Mentor: Michael Gross, Engineering
Project: Bamboo Natural Fiber Composites Mentor: Jed Macosko, Physics and Elizabeth Boatman, Engineering
Project: Considerations of Southern Interiority Mentor: Morna O’Neill, Art
Project: Not Just Child’s Play: An Analysis of Parent-Child Interactions on Playgrounds Mentor: Deborah Best, Psychology
Project: Hypergraph Partitioning Mentor: Grey Ballard, Computer Science
Project: Black Hole Evaporation in (3+1)D: Numerical computation of the Bogolubov coefficients for a scalar field Mentor: Paul Anderson, Physics