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Brooke Christensen

Project:  Determining adolescent vulnerability in nicotine use using a self-administration rodent model Mentor:  Mark Ferris, Physiology and Pharmacology, WFU School of Medicine

Robert Bradford

Project:  Molecular Rectifiers in Self-Assembled Monolayers: Diodes on the Nano-scale Mentor:  Oana Jurchescu, Physics and Zachary Lamport, Physics Graduate Student

Robyn Adelkopf

Project:  Self-Efficacy and Adherence to Exercise in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis Mentor:  Shannon Mihalko, Health and Exercise Science

Harry Young

Project:  Race, Gender and Success: How do those factors tie into the bildungsroman of a young black man Mentor: Melissa Jenkins, English and Women Gender and Sexuality Studies

Zhengyu Yang

Project:  Prediction of Program Behavior Based on Runtime Analysis of Machine Code Mentor: Errin Fulp, Computer Science

Tom Wittmann

Project:  The Chemistry Behind Neurodegenerative Disorders and Substance Abuse Mentor: Allyn Howlett, Biotech Place and Angela King, Chemistry

Janay Williams

Project:  What the clothing and racialized terms reveal about the status of the runaways Mentor: Ed Allen, Mathematics

Ben Weekley

Project:  Examining the Possibility of Channeling in Mycoplasma penetrans methionyl tRNA synthetase Mentor: Rebecca Alexander, Chemistry

Yueyang Wang

Project:  The Hidden Kingdom within Plants:  Exploring the Source of Endophytes in Magnolia grandiflora Mentor: Brian Tague, Biology
