John Vanderwolf
Project: Fabrication of Bamboo Fiber-Embedded Epoxy Composites Mentors: Jed Macosko, Physics and Elizabeth Boatman, Engineering
Project: Fabrication of Bamboo Fiber-Embedded Epoxy Composites Mentors: Jed Macosko, Physics and Elizabeth Boatman, Engineering
Project: Latinos’ Attitudes towards the Criminal Justice System Mentor: Betina Wilkinson, Politics and International Affairs
Project: The Relationship Between Public Equity Pricing and Earnings Manipulation Mentor: Philip Howard, Finance, WF School of Business
Project: Awareness of Class Privilege and Empathy towards Poor among Individuals with High Socioeconomic Status Mentor: E. J. Masicampo, Psychology
Project: Classifying Hate Speech Using a Two-Stage Model Mentor: Nicole Dalzell, Mathematics and Statistics
Project: Examination of different functional tests of leg power in sports medicine Mentors: Peter Brubaker, Health and Exercise Science and Niles Fleet, Sports Medicine
Project: Grammar, As You Know It: The Myths and Implications of Clause-Ending Prepositions Mentor: Zak Lancaster, English / Writing
Project: Molybdenum Cofactor and 2-thiouridine tRNA Modification Biosynthesis in Gram-Positive Bacteria Mentor: Patricia Dos Santos, Chemistry
Project: Prepulse Inhibition in Youth Contact Sports Players Mentors: Terry Blumenthal, Psychology and Christopher Whitlow, Radiology, WFU School of Medicine
Project: Ethylene regulated transcription factor network that modulates lateral root development Mentor: Gloria Muday, Biology
Project: Creation and construction of temperature-sensitive SA11 rotaviruses using an site-directed mutagenesis and an all-plasmid reverse genetics system Mentor: Sarah McDonald, Biology
Project: Determination of formation and maintenance of grazing halos of Lighthouse Reef Atoll, Belize Mentor: Miles Silman, Biology
Project: Deletion of adipocyte AbcA1 using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing Mentor: John Parks, Molecular Medicine, WFU School of Medicine
Project: Sociohistorical and Identity Factors in Predicting Cambodian American Gang Involvement Mentor: Lisa Kiang, Psychology
Project: Analyzing the Evolution of the Romance Script in Medieval Castilian Spain Mentor: Cesar Gutierrez, Spanish and Italian
Project: Effects of Non-Leaving Group Structure and Chirality on the Biological Activity of Platinum-Acridine Anticancer Agents Mentor: Ulrich Bierbach, Chemistry
Project: Synergistic Effects of Nitric Oxide and Far-Red Light on Thrombosis Mentor: Daniel Kim-Shapiro, Physics
Project: Counterexamples to the Noether bound over noncommutative rings Mentor: Ellen Kirkman, Mathematics and Statistics
Project: Investigation of Self-Determined Phasic and Tonic Firing Patterns behind Dopamine Release in Sprague-Dawley Rats Mentor: Keith Bonin, Physics
Project: Studies in Digital Sound and Music Mentor: Jennifer Burg, Computer Science